Go to Wroclaw from London Stansted! Only 58 GBP for a trip to Poland![flights for 45 GBP]

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Plan a trip to Poland! Wroclaw from London Stansted for 58 GBP! [flights for 45 GBP]

Wroclaw is called one of the best cities in Poland and it's not surprising. The colorful tenement houses, pergola and The Old Town make this city interesting point for many travellers. During this short trip go to The Centennial Hall, visit Africarium in Wroclaw Zoo and enjoy the panorama view from Sky Tower! And be careful, in every corner there are hidden many little dwarfs. These little creatures became the symbol of Wroclaw and it could be good idea to plan a trip based on theirs location.


We suggest booking Wigwam Hostel for 13 GBP per person!

Source of pictures: www.freewalkingtour.com, www.vogue.com, www.zoo.wroclaw.pl